Cute Video: Cat Receives Wet Affection from Pack of Golden Retrievers

Cute Video: Cat Receives Wet Affection from Pack of Golden Retrievers
Cute Video: Cat Receives Wet Affection from Pack of Golden Retrievers (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The heartwarming video of a kitten receiving a shower of affection from a pack of golden retrievers is everything you need to see today!

+ Click here and watch the video

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“Orange cat: everyone loves me,” says the caption shared with the video, which has already garnered over 13 million views, more than 620,000 likes, and thousands of comments from internet users who were moved by the scene.

+ Click here and watch the video

“For the love of God, someone please help that cat, he’s drowning,” joked an Instagram user. “That cat is really patient,” said another. “The cat is loving it. If not, it could easily escape,” warned a third internet user.

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